
Dragon Age: Inquisition – New Playthrough

Starting my third playthrough of DA:I, This time with all DLC (except for the Spoils packs).

As always I tend to spend the majority of the first day (if I don’t start early morning) working on the character creation. After all I have to look at this character, both in game and cutscenes, for the next 200+ hours, I better be in love with it.

So after a few hours of tweaking and 3 different characters (once they were in game I didn’t like the first 2 so I started over) we have reached this:

My Trevelyan rogue!
human rogue
Still pretty happy with it!

So all in all, I really like this character a lot so far! I think she’s a pretty good looking character (beauty in the eye of the beholder and all that).

Now this however brings me to my next point. As I mentioned this is now my 3rd playthrough, 3rd entirely new character. About 5 minutes into the game you reach this scene:


What in the Maker’s name happened to my Inquisitor’s face?! I mean…my face suddenly begins to melt like a clock in a Salvador Dali painting.

dali clocks
Yup…that looks like my face…

I have agonized for hours, and countless characters, over how to make a character that can survive this cutscene without looking like something went horribly wrong with my plastic surgery. Alas, all my efforts have been in vain.

If any BioWare devs out there happen to read this…first let me say this: I absolutely love this game, I have probably devoted far many more hours than is healthy obsessing over it. I have the World of Thedas volumes on my desk as well as the Inquisitors Edition box. But this face… Now I’m not expert in facial animations, only have done a few in 3ds Max with morph targets. This face could have probably used a bit less morphing…

All in all though, I only have to look at that for about 2 seconds of the entire game. There are probably some other places in the game where I really question what my face is doing, but this was one of the worst offenders.

However, I will end by saying this: This is one of my favorite games of all times, it’s amazing and I think everyone should play it (if there even is anyone left that hasn’t).