Games Stray Thoughts

Holidays and Video Games

Well Summer is officially over and that means that the holidays are coming. I know, I know, September is barely over and we’re already talking about the holidays. But if you’re a gamer you know that holiday releases doesn’t only refer to releases in December, but rather anything released after the end of Summer.

As most gamers will attest Summer is often the worst time for video games. You usually find yourself having to survive with the games that you bought/received between the holidays and end of Spring. But as Summer comes to a close suddenly the calendar fills up again with video game releases, and this year is no exception. Now everyone has the franchises and genres that they’re waiting for, and for me that’s a rather broad list of games and it began with the release of Metal Gear Solid V. Unfortunately, or fortunately depending on your point of view and your wallet, that was only the tip of the iceberg. My current list of planned purchases is looking rather long and it’s starting before September even ends.

I don’t know about you guys, but here’s what my calendar is looking like so far:

  • September 29th – Might and Magic Heroes VII
  • October 9th – Civilization: Beyond Earth – Rising Tide Expansion
  • October 16th – Yoshi’s Wooly World
  • October 20th – Sword Coast Legends, Halo 5 Xbox One and Halo 5
  • October 30th – The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth
  • November 10th – Rise of the Tomb Raider, Fallout 4, Starcraft II: Legacy of the Void

I’m sure I’ve missed at least a few games, but that’s what I can think of right now. I’m also sure that there will be more to add to this list later as some more last minute titles get confirmed. Right now December is looking a little bit sad in releases, but I’m sure that will change. If it doesn’t then there will still have been plenty of releases to keep me occupied.

How’s your list looking?

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