So I don’t know what got into me, but I suddenly felt the need to replay Mass Effect. However, I was one of the people that weren’t OK with the endings as they were. Not necessarily because they weren’t happy endings, but simply because I felt they weren’t well written. They were jarring against the rest of the games and the story to me. But luckily I discovered that there were several mods already that changed the ending of the game completely and so I decided to do that. I ended up deciding on MEHEM because I still thought it fairly reasonable. It didn’t seem too much of a stretch to get the happy ending, and overall it made many of the characters’ actions make more sense and stay in line with their personalities. The main thing that I love about this mod is that it eliminates the star child scene altogether, and that makes it all worth it! (I hate that star child…) It had been years since I played Mass Effect. Actually hadn’t replayed any of the games since playing through ME3 the first, and only, time. After watching those endings I felt I just couldn’t replay the games at all. So, in turn, I had also never played any of the ME3 DLCs aside for From Ashes which had been included when I bought the game.
Anyway, so I’ve been pretty silent because I spent the better part of the last week and a half buried in Mass Effect. I played all 3 games in quick succession. Before that, I was in the middle of another Inquisition playthrough. This time taking my time, though. So now that Mass Effect is done, I can go back to finishing that, though I’m not sure if I’ll get it done before the holidays come around. December will be getting pretty busy and I’ll be gone for the better part of 2 weeks around Christmas, so I’ll be away from my computer. 🙁
I’m going to be working over the next couple of weeks on putting together some Mass Effect videos, mainly highlights of the games. Good conversations, interesting fights, awesome headshots, stuff like that! In the meantime here’s the first little outtake of an ME2 conversation I ran into that I completely didn’t remember:
I’m also in the middle of playing a game called Spooky’s House of Jump Scares. Steam had recommended it and it was free, so…it’s a win-win as far as I see. I thought it was mainly supposed to be a cute horror game, but it’s gotten me good several times already. If you haven’t heard of it, the purpose of the game is to get through 1000 rooms. I’m almost certain that I’m bound to die by the time I reach the last room, but who knows… I’m a quarter of the way through the game, if you want to check it out the first 2 videos are up on YouTube already. Should have the 3rd video up in a couple of days!